Jun 22, 2010

I recently painted Shameka Isom and dressed her in my Indian sari. It was so fun to make up this new pattern, and I love how the feathers turned out. It was a fun night, even though we have a bad habit of not starting these fun projects until way after my bedtime. The pictures were taken after midnight, so I don't look my chipper best, but Meka looks gorgeous.

Jun 12, 2010

Here is an assortment of popular boy patterns that I do.

Here is a collection of past girl patterns that I've painted.

I have a ball gown costume, so we had Lisa dress up and be painted with a masquerade mask. It was very lovely, and her eyes were so beautiful. I enjoyed this one!

Jun 11, 2010

I love having family visit!

My sisters are here for a while. Last night I painted their faces so I could experiment with some new patterns. It was so fun to paint them, and they both were such great models!

The actual photo shoot part was a silly sight to see, with my makeshift 'studio' consisting of several table lamps with the lampshades angled to provide lighting and a backdrop made of a throw blanket. After some trial and error with the lighting, we caught some shots that looked pretty good.

Here is a collection of a few of them.